"Luella" LIMITED Edition Photographic Print

from $120.00

LIMITED EDITON PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS are a unique representation on their own, printed on metallic paper and are mat board supported. They are currently offered in two larger sizes per portrait and are limited to 45 prints per size, per portrait. That means that for each portrait there are only 90 limited edition prints total, and when they are gone we will not print anymore of them. Each limited edition print will be hand signed by the Artist, numbered, and will include an artists bill of sale and an original Certificate of Authenticity with each sale.

OPEN EDITION PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS are printed on metallic paper and are mat board supported. These prints will be limited to one small size, with no limit to the number of prints that will be sold. Each print will be hand signed and will include an artists bill of sale and certificate of authenticity.

Each print sale will also include a description of the portrait purchased when applicable.

Right now these are set up as print on demand so please allow up to 2 weeks for delivery.

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LuellaEnglish name 

Chi-Ogimaa-binesiikwe/Big  Boss Eagle Woman Ojibwe name 2019 

48”H x 62”W.   122cmH x 158cmW

(Artist’s daughter)

The meaning within this portrait has not yet fully revealed itself for me.

The decisions I make when I am creating a piece are not what will the image be, I feel like that is instead decided for me. So the decisions I make are on how to best recreate the image in my head. It’s not until the end that I ask myself, now what does this mean? Often the meaning comes in waves or layers over time and sometimes this revelation can take months. And like the interpretation of a dream, You as an observer may have insights into the meaning that either are, or are for the time being, lost on me. These images may speak to you in a way that they do not speak to anyone else. For several of the portraits included in the show, the story has not yet completely unveiled itself for me yet, it is in the process of slowly unfolding. And for the pieces I feel I've adequately deciphered, I still continue to make new connections, to see things that I hadn’t before.

The goldfinch is a constant in my work. It is the language bird in Ojibwe culture. In my work however, I’ve expanded their representation to include the entire Ojibwe cultural and spiritual “tool box” if you will, which also includes the language. What I’ve experienced with Ojibwe culture and spirituality is that it is so much deeper than ...this is what we traditionally eat and traditionally wear, or this is our traditional language or music...it all means layers upon layers more than that...those things explain how to connect to the earth, to the spirits that dwell here, to each other, and to one’s self. Those things are saturated with meaning. The birds represent that depth of knowledge and understanding that my family and other Ojibwe people who follow a traditional path possess about who they are, where they come from, and what their purpose is while they are here.